Canigó Oscars 6th
On the 26th of April, our Canigó Oscars were held again. Enjoy the show and the movies that won some of the most important Oscars. Have fun!
On the 26th of April, our Canigó Oscars were held again. Enjoy the show and the movies that won some of the most important Oscars. Have fun!
Els nens i les nenes d’I5 hem visitat la Biblioteca Joan Margarit. Ha estat un experiència molt positiva. Us animem a repetir-la en família.
Hola famílies! Aprofitant que estem fent el projecte de les plantes, fa uns dies vam visitar el Carrau Blau on vam poder observar flors naturals i dibuixar-les amb tots els seus detalls! Aquí us deixem una petita mostra, que esperem que us agradi.
Us informem que el número de desempat per a la preinscripció escolar per al curs 2024-2025 és el 81801. Per a més informació, consulteu el següent enllaç.
Our Canigó Oscars Awards celebration will take place once again. All the nominees’ trailers are available to watch here. We worked a lot either to practice our pronunciation and also to write the scripts and the dialogues.The die is cast, so enjoy the movies. We will keep you posted to know the winners of each…
Writing in English Help us practice our language, that’s why we decided to hold a contest to develop our imagination and to improve our writing skills. Narrative Creative Writing Skills English Presentation in Charcoal Colourful Fun Style de Síl